consulting services

We help to scale business and organizational transformation.

Beside our courses and the digital facilitation platform we offer individual consulting services with our asynchronous approach.

1. How to scale your transformation initiative

With our asynchronous approach transformation initiatives and workshop series become highly scalable and cost effective with even better results compared to traditional methods.
Find below some examples where we successfully applied our approach.
hybrid work transformation
business transformation
business innovation
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business transformation

Business strategy workshop series with a distributed leadership circle

All managers worked on a common business model canvas over two weeks and came together at the end to discuss the results in a synchronous workshop session. They were  guided through the asynchronous process by video messages. Everyone worked when it suits to his often tight schedule.
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Find our free workshop template and further information on the "hybrid work "workshop on
hybrid work transformation

"How do we best work together as a team in a hybrid work environment?" 

A scalable team workshop journey designed for ten thousands of employees of a large german energy company to support the hybrid work transformation.
Teams ran the workshop journey largely on their own. Facilitation was implemented in a scalable and cost-efficient manner.
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business innovation

Asynchronous Design Thinking for sustainibility in product development

Virtual guided, asynchronous workshop series over three weeks in different 1:1 and group conversations and with final meeting to review the results. The whole design thinking process was guided by asynchronous video messages prompting the participants to meet in different small groups for problem definition, idea generation and synthesizing. The process can be reused and scaled to a large user base.

2. How to design asynchronous workshops

Manager and facilitator often struggle with the structure and design of a workshop. How can we achieve our goal best and use the precious time we spent together effectively? 
With our asynchronous approach to workshop design, we found a way to 
  • Shorten workshop time
  • Make the time together spent more effective and meaningful
  • Get better results in idea generation and solution finding
On an individual contract basis, we can provide you with our knowledge in form of
  • A brief sparring of your workshop design in a video call
  • Advising on the entire workshop design process
  • Performing the entire conceptual work of a successful asynchronous workshop series

Niels Anhalt

founder of

transformation consultant

async workshop designer

languages: english and german
For over 25 years I have been working as a consultant in the areas of digital strategy, innovation and organizational transformation.
If you need support in your transformation initiative or in designing workshops, drop me a line or schedule a video meeting.
P.S. If you'd like, follow me on LinkedIn for updates on async work!
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