Free Mini Video Series
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"How to enable true teamwork and regain control over your time with asynchronous ways of working?"
Shift your mind.

Here are some problems of today...

Most of us spend over 50% of our time in meetings, a current study states.
 When do we have time to do our work despite sitting in meetings?
We are expected to be always on, ready to answer emails, messages or calls in almost real-time. 
 How can we gain back control over our time while working together in a team? 
Many workers need to ask co-workers to find the necessary information to complete their work. 
 How can we share information in the team more efficiently to get more productive?
Average office workers switch their work context about every 10 minutes due to distractions and reprioritizing of tasks.
 When can we find the time to focus and consider key issues thoroughly?

The solution?

Asynchronous work can solve these problems and find better ways of working.
It all begins with a first mindshift!

After this mini-video series, you will have...
... a new perspective on your teamwork,
... a deeper understanding of how to change,
... and practical tips on
how to get back time flexibility, allow for deep work, and become more productive.

For whom is it?

All team workers and team leads who want to improve their team collaboration and cure some of the pains mentioned above.
So, actually, probably every office worker on the planet.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

What's inside?

You'll get a series of short videos with everyday work situations and practical tips.
Snack it every day for 3 minutes or binge-watch them all within 30 Minutes.
It's up to you. What counts is that you start your mindshift journey and heal the pain.

A Series of Short Videos

Practical Tips how to change

Ok, Let's go!

Believe you don't have three minutes a day to spare? Think again! 

Undoubtedly, begin with the mindset shift and click the button above!


See what's inside...

Frequently asked questions

What happens with my personal data ?

The personal information you enter upon registration will not be shown to any other participant. 
If you explicitly permit, we will sent you further information on hybrid and async work.

Furthermore, all data processing of complies with European regulations for data privacy (EU-GDPR).

Is this video series free?

Yes! We want to help you to shift your mind and give practical starter tips. 
If you need further support or advice, we are happy to help you with further habit change programs on  async work. 

Watch now!

Write your awesome label here.
By the way: All videos are subtitled for silent viewing, ideal if you wish to keep your surroundings undisturbed.

Better listen?

The episodes will be published on your favorite podcast platform.
Tune in below or search for "async your work" at spotify, Apple, Deezer or Google Podcasts!

Not ready to watch yet?

Read on about asynchronous work...
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