free shortvideo course & worksheet
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The Starter Kit for your Hybrid Work Policy

Use this self-paced shortvideo course to gain a common understanding and decide upon the hybrid work policy in your company, unit or team.
All companies had to define interim regulations for handling work from home during the pandemic. 
Many companies are now in the process of revising their policies and defining their definitive way to handle work-from-home, return-to-office or hybrid work models.

Common questions are
"Shouldn't all employees come back to the office for some days?"
"Should we force it?"
"Shall we define fixed office days?"

Are you part of a leadership team, a hybrid work transformation team or a member of a worker's council? Then this starter kit helps you to find a structured way of discussing and defining a hybrid work policy in your organization.

Here is what we will cover in
this shortvideo course

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

A common understanding of hybrid work policies

Watch 6 shortvideos (30 min in total) about hybrid work and hybrid work policies

A template to discuss and define a hybrid policy 

Get a PDF worksheet to discuss and define your policy

An approach how to decide on your hybrid policy

Explanation of recommended steps for a decision process

Ok, Let's start!

Frequently asked questions

What happens with my personal data ?

The personal information you enter upon registration will not be shown to any other participant. 
If you explicitly permit, we will sent you further information on hybrid and async work.

Furthermore, all data processing of complies with European regulations for data privacy (EU-GDPR).

Is this Starter Kit free?

Yes! We want to help companies to define their individual hybrid work policy and give these basic information and the worksheet for free to use it in your company. 
If you need further support or advice, we are happy to help you with workshops, process advice or habit change programs on hybrid and async work. 

Discuss and define your hybrid work policy!

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