The full 9-week habit change program
Embark on a team journey to become more productive and get back your time flexibility
Get a step-by-step guidance to adopt asynchronous ways of working.
Thera are still 4 team slots left at a highly discounted price.
Click the button to find out more.
Learn within 9 weeks how to change your work habits as a whole team to
  • introduce better information flows
  • define team agreements
  • gain higher time flexibility with fewer meetings.
Ah, and don't worry, it's designed to fit into your tight schedule.
Hybrid and remote work are fundamentally changing the world of work. While we concentrated mainly on the place where to work, flexibility in time is just as important.
  • flexibility in place
  • flexibility in time
Asynchronous ways of working are the missing puzzle pieces to hybrid and remote work allowing more time flexibility. 
Not familiar with the asynchronous work approach, yet?
If you already know about the benefits of async work, continue here to get help adopting async work styles.
Embark on a 9-week team journey with step-by-step guidance to practice and change your habits.
  • Week 1 
    • Kickoff the program
    • Plan in your team
  • Week 2 & 3
    • Learn basic skills for asynchronous work
    • Practice them in the team
  • Week 4 & 5 
    • Analyse meetings, rituals and behaviors
    • Start experimenting with async practices
  • Week 6 to 8 
    • Create team agreements
    • Establish a "single source of truth"
    • Learn and try  more async practices
  • Week 9
    • Review and decide on permanent changes
    • Identify further potential for async work
The program duration can be adapted to the team's individual needs. Every team-member only needs to invest around 1  to 2 hours per week, which can be planned flexibly. So, it will fit into every schedule. 
The program follows "The Async Work Framework", which includes the following:
  • Common work use cases for switching from sync to async
  • A set of working practices in async communication, persistent information and async agreements 
  • Ten guiding principles for the shift to asynchronous work
  • An iterative approach to establish habits step-by-step
By applying the framework, companies can ensure better business performance and higher employer attraction.
After the program your whole team has adopted async ways of working resulting in
  • Less and better meetings 
  • Better work results
  • More transparency on information 
  • Better alignment and knowledge sharing
  • Easier onboarding of new members
  • More time for socializing, fun and team bonding
Every individual team member gains higher flexibility in time, higher individual autonomy and more time for deep work - resulting in more productive work and less stress. 
The program benefits every team that works hybrid or remote and wants to take the next step to better collaboration by reducing meetings, allowing for more deep work and enhancing transparency and productivity.
As every team is individual, the amount of asynchronous practices can be adapted individually ranging from a "async-first", "async-aware" to a "low-meeting" culture.

Are you an agile team, a product development team, a service team, a project team, or a team, that collaborates on a regular base in a hybrid or remote mode, than this is for you.
Start to async your team work!

Thera are still 4 team slots left at a highly discounted price.
👆Click the button to find out more 👆
When you are already working with digital tools to collaborate in the team, you don't need any further special knowledge or special tools to conduct the program. 

Whether you use Microsoft TeamsMicrosoft 365 or Google Workspace, Slack, Notion or any other basic collaboration tool, you are ready to start with async work.
You will learn new ways to use your existing tools more effectively and efficiently. We will also introduce and explain additional tools that can help improve your productivity (e.g. mural, miro, loom, claap).

Get the full package of guidance and support

Step-by-step guidance + micro-learning
for self-paced, self-guided practising that fits in your daily schedule
  • Easy-to-watch short videos with subtitles
  • Detailed step-by-step instructions 
  • Templates and worksheets for every async practice
Facilitated Online Workshops + Unlimited Support

to get advice at key milestones and support whenever you have questions
  • 3 Live-Facilitated Online-Sessions (45 min each)
  • Asynchronous support via video chat (unlimited during the program)
Access to ever-growing async work knowledge hub 

to dig deeper whenever you want and keep on changing even after the 9-weeks program
  • Knowledge base with async practices and templates
  • AI-powered Assistent with all the async knowledge 

Your investment in higher productivity and time flexibility

  • Time to invest
  • One hour per person per week for 9 weeks that can be planned flexibly within each week
  • plus additional one hour per week for three roles that must be taken by team members (e.g. coordination tasks)
  • Budget to invest
9.800 Euro (+VAT) for your entire team

  • Price is flat and independent of team size (e.g. 980 Euro per member for a team of 10)
  • Get the 9-week program package and unlimited access to our knowledge hub, perfect also for new team members!
  • Other currencies are supported as well

More than 80% discount for beta program teams.
👇 Click the button to find out more 👇

Interested in a program for multiple teams, units or the whole company?
Are you a Non-Profit Company or Early-Stage Startup?

Frequently asked questions

How to find out whether my team is ready for async work?
The best is you spread the word and send all your team members the link to the Async Mindshift Video Series. Here it is:
After that consider taking the self-assessment in your team that you can conduct for free. Here you can find all information about it:
Can I participate as a single person?
The habit change program is designed to be conducted as a whole team. If you want to get first tips on async work have a look at the mini video series. There you'll find async practices to try out on your own:
What's a habit change program exactly?
A habit change program is a innovative way to change behaviour in a whole group using a mix of digital content, roles in the group, accountability hacks and blended learning practices.
It can be compared to an online team training or an online team workshop, but is embed into the normal work life over a longer period of time to ensure sustainable change. 
We presented our innovative approach at "The Learning Ideas Conference" in New York. If you are interested in more details, ask us to send you a summary video of the presentation

Mustn't the whole company adopt to async work?
Well, yes, that would be good. But if one team starts to adopt async practices, the next team might follow. This makes the ground for bigger initiatives in your company. So, best is to start and show that it works. We offer special packages for whole companies if you are interested.
What is a typical return on invest?
While it is difficult to calculate, the time flexibility and productivity a team can gain typically pays off within 2 or 3 months after the program, if you consider what one hour per week wasted in a typical meeting costs you.
We don't have that time. Is there any shorter approach?
To ensure sustainable change it is important to practice over some weeks. If you haven't got time for just one hour per week, you should definitely consider taking the program to find ways to free up time. If you need to pause the program for some weeks because of holidays or project deadlines, no problem. The program can be prolonged flexibly. 
In which languages is the program available?
All the content and videos are in english language only. But feel free to hold your internal meetings and document agreements and notes in your language. 
The live sessions that are led by our facilitators can be held in english or german language. Further languages will be added on demand. Please ask!
What happens with our personal data ?
The personal information you enter upon registration will not be transferred to any other 3rd party for usage outside of this program.
If you permit, we will sent you further information on hybrid and async work after the program.

Furthermore, all data processing of complies with strict European regulations for data privacy (EU-GDPR).
How to convince my manager?
Best is to send him or her the link to the Async Mindshift Video Series. It includes a separate video especially for managers and leaders. Async work will be one of the most important upcoming approaches in hybrid and remote work, that has to be considered by every manager and company. It is the key for efficient and effective hybrid work.
Here is the link to forward:

growhuman exists to help people work together easier and better.

We are specialized in asynchronous work and workshops and already guided over 1.000 teams through hybrid work transformation processes and habit change programs.
We're excited to assist your team in boosting productivity and embracing flexibility as well!

Are you ready to async your team work?
Thera are still 4 team slots left at a highly discounted price.
Click the button to find out more.

Not ready yet?

Read a comprehensive PDF summary of the program for more information.
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