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about us

growhuman exists to help people work together easier and better.

We believe that people are happier at work and in life when they're enabled to realize their full potential and work more effectively. These people are the foundation for the success of any business
Technology can be extremely helpful for this. We just have to manage to use it in the right way. 

The three things we do...

1. work habit change courses

We enable people to asynchronize their work and workshops.

Asynchronous work habits are key to better and happier working. In our courses teams learn how to have less and shorter meetings or workshops, get their time flexibility back and work more effectively together.
2. transformation and workshop process consulting

We help to scale business and organizational transformation.

With our asynchronous approach transformation initiatives and workshop series become highly scalable and cost effective with even better results compared to traditional methods.

3. digital facilitation platform

We simplify and automate facilitation of asynchronous workshop series.

With the digital facilitation platform of growhuman.io, singular workshops become structured solution-finding processes - distributed in time and place - efficiently even with a large number of participants.

Hi, I'm Niels,
I'm the founder of growhuman.

For over 25 years I have been working as a consultant in the areas of digital strategy, innovation and organizational transformation.
In hundreds of workshops, I have experienced how much creative potential can unfold when people work together in a shared environment with a common goal and an effective work structure.
As a user experience expert, my passion is designing technology that helps people achieve their goals.
With this small startup, I want to explore ways we can use digital technology to make people's work better, and thus make them happier. 
We are a network of experts distributed over various regions in the world and working together fully remotely. Originally, growhuman is based and was founded in Cologne, one of the ugliest cities (except the Kölner Dom), but some say with the friendliest people in Germany 😄.
If you need support in async work, want to find out if we should partner or just want to get to know each other, drop me a line or schedule a video meeting.
P.S. If you'd like, follow me on LinkedIn for updates on async work!
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