Hybrid Work means rebalancing synchronous and asynchronous work

as stated by Gartner in their HR Leader Survey about hybrid work
Most organizations are thinking about hybrid work only in terms of location, but Gartner research shows that organizations must also think about it in terms of timespend (whether teams are working asynchronously or synchronously).

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According to Gartner, this approach yields four work modes that organizations must invest equally in if they are to succeed in the hybrid environment:

  1. Working together, together: when teams are colocated, contributing to meetings in a shared space.
  2. Working together, apart: when teams are distributed, but participating in virtual meetings.
  3. Working alone, together: when teams are in shared spaces, but not working at the same time.
  4. Working alone, apart: when teams are distributed, and individuals are conducting deep focus work.

And Gartner states:
“Our insistence on making synchronous work the default is inherited from a prior era where asynchronous tools were not built for speed and efficiency,” says Cambon. “We must reset how we leverage all the work modes available to us.”

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What is async work?
Let's define asynchronous work and compare it to synchronous work. 
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