Sep 11

Flexibility in time is the missing part in hybrid work!

It's time to talk about time flexibility. 
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In recent times, we talked a lot about the place where to work. But we were so focused on talking and sometimes arguing about the best place to work that we forgot the other parameters are also essential. 

☝️ It's good to know that, by definition, hybrid work is not only where to work but also when to work ⏱️. 

Almost all office workers, 92% a recent study says, want more flexibility in time. 

Asynchronous work, thus, not doing work at exactly the same time, is the synonym for more time flexibility and also refers to a set of work habits that allow for fewer meetings, less stress and more productivity.  

How does it work?

👉 Find out in the next video of this free Mini Video Series.
Ready to change and async your team work?
Or, have a deeper look at the usual problems of our default synchronous work style and listen to Sarah and Toni, what they experience in their work life.
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