Digitale Leute Summit

Asynchronous Collaboration for Distributed Teams

How to gain more individual flexibility and stay connected as a team.

Here is a compact re-recorded version of the presentation.
Write your awesome label here.
Here are small videos of the different topics of the video, that you can also watch separately.
Write your awesome label here.

Are we using the full potential of communication?

Write your awesome label here.

The fragmented and inflexible working day of many

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How to asynchronize a regular team meeting?

Write your awesome label here.

How to communicate asynchronously?

Write your awesome label here.
Download presentation slides


Niels Anhalt

founder of

transformation consultant

async workshop designer

Languages: Deutsch and English 
For more information and an exchange about async work I am available! 

Write me or make an appointment for a video call!
P.S. Follow me on LinkedIn for Updates on asynchronous workshops and asynchronous work.
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